on Saturday May 5, 2012

Peter Solmes and Linda hosted
another entertaining afternoon of words and music

at the Portobello Restaurant and Bar

The lineup of performers looked like this:

Featured Musicians:
Veronica & Tony Hanik
Featured Poet:
Gianna Patriarca
Guest Musician:
Glen Hornblast
Guest Poet:
Tom Mortensen
Guest Writer/Poet:
Diz Altschul

Many thanks to Shirley for the additional photos

Here's a look at the afternoon's entertainment
(click on thumbnails for larger images)

Peter's Setting Up

Making Connections

Sound Check

Good To Go

Gianna & Linda

Diz & Linda

Glen & Linda

Linda & Gianna

Carol & Diz

Tom Mortensen

Gianna Patriarca

Glen & Ruth

Tony & Veronica

Veronica Tunes Up

Melanie & Michael

Gianna Reads

Fuelling Up


Ruth & Glen

Khairul Cooks


Veronica & Tony

Tony & Veronica

Glen & Gang

Taking A Break

The Audience

Carol & Paul

Big Fans

Diz Awaits Linda

Linda & Diz

Three Amigos

Tom Reads Another



Peter Wraps It Up







to get the playlist menu... move your cursor over the bottom of the video
& click on the 5th icon from the right